Thursday, July 8, 2010

The most hated man in Cleveland?

If Lebron does what it sounds like he's going to do and gut punch Cleveland on national television, does he leap frog Art Modell as the most hated man in the history of that City?

Jeez, if you ever start feeling bad about yourself, you can always say "at least I'm not a Cleveland fan". I think Bill Simmons is right, God must hate Cleveland.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think anyone can be surprised he left. Deep down I think Cavs fan figured he was gone. They just didn't expect him to have an hour special aired to break their hearts. Particularly one that lacked any dignity, class, or self awareness of any person other than Lebron. Booh.

    Another reason why I haven't liked the NBA since high school. This modern version stinks. It is all about me and not about the team. How I miss Chris Mullin and Run TMC!!!
